Choosing the best life insurance policy online

Nowadays, the insurance contracts offered by financial players are more and more efficient and it is difficult to make a choice. The permanent evolution of the market makes this even more difficult and one of the best solutions is to use a comparator. This is a very practical way to help you find the formula that best suits your needs. So what are the selection criteria for choosing a high-performance life insurance policy and who should you contact to find the right policy?

Choose a solid insurance company

Taking out life insurance means entrusting the management of your money to a professional, in this case the insurer. The insurer then becomes the debtor of the insured, to whom he has a debt.  In this case, choose the best company in order to guarantee a better return on your capital and your contract. A quality insurer is one that knows how to adapt to the requirements of its clients and offers them great flexibility when it comes to the delimitation of the main clauses of the contract. To accompany you in the best possible way, call on the services of a consulting firm or an insurance broker. They are experts who have a perfect command of the market and who will help you make a more objective choice, according to your specific needs. They even offer you several types of life insurance contracts and advise you throughout the duration of your contract.

Opt for a company that charges as little as possible

In a life insurance contract, costs are about the only elements that can be controlled, hence the need to optimize them as much as possible to avoid their negative effects in the long term. Some insurers levy fees of up to 5%, making them one of the institutions that should be avoided in particular. The most frequent are those related to registration, payments, arbitration, and annual contract management. In general, a reasonable amount is between 0.5 and 1%. The best insurers do not charge fees for registration, surrender or arbitrage, regardless of the investment medium chosen by the client. Concluding a life insurance agreement with this company allows you to benefit from a rate not exceeding 0.60% per year, regardless of the type of management you opt for, on funds in euros and units of account. You will even be able to delegate management for only 0.25% extra charge.

The quality of the euro funds and the diversity of the units of account

In life insurance, euro-denominated funds are the preferred investment vehicles of the French. They are capital guaranteed and provide the saver with an annual return. Despite a changing interest rate that tends to fall from year to year, they are still attractive compared to other types of investments. This offers you two fund supports in euros, with Suravenir Rendement and Suravenir Opportunités. Unit-linked policies with non-guaranteed capital are also available. These are riskier investments, but they provide a strong boost to savings. What you should keep in mind is that a high-performance life insurance policy is the one that offers the widest range of unit-linked policies. With the many management methods offered, particularly managed management, the risk of capital loss tends to decrease.

What are the advantages of online management?

In addition to speed, online management allows you to obtain a daily update of valuations, as well as arbitrage possibilities, i.e. money movements from fund to fund. The subscription, just like the management of the contract, is done via internet or e-mail, saving you the need to travel.

Benefit from a free and secure service, with brokers available at all times.

The other great "interest" in making the right choice of insurer lies in the impossibility of transferring life insurance. It is therefore necessary for you to make a list of the essential elements, as well as the guarantees to be included in the draft agreement. Otherwise, it will only be a waste of time, and especially money. Put your assets in the hands of a trustworthy insurer and you will be sure to receive substantial benefits.

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